Swapz 4 – Day 1 Issues – March 19th, 2013


 Uploading photos

It seems some people cannot upload photos. We know this is an issue with some mobile devices but should work fine on computers. We are checking on what could be causing this.

*** Mar 20 5:43 pm Photo upload problems confirmed. Looks like it’s happening with about 10% of the browsers. We are really sorry – it works on all our machines here and we checked all the browsers we could. Right now we can re-produce on Win 8 IE 10. Update coming shortly.

***** Mar 20 7:15 pm Temporary update – if photo submit doesn’t work for you skip this step. Once the item is created click “EDIT” and go to Edit pictures where you can add photos. We should fix the main form by tomorrow.

********* Mar 20 9:10 pm: Not confirmed yet, but looks like we sorted it out. Now it should work with all modern browsers. If you are on Win XP with IE7 it probably may not work (please use edit pictures method) but other than that should be good.

Cant use the bump section

Bumpz are there. We agree that it’s not obvious how to use them – we will fix that really soon.

To bump go to My Account -> My Listings and click the green “bump” icon to the right of the item listing.

***Mar 20 10:20 am: design updated to make it easier to see

****** Mar 20 9:10 pm: we still receive complains but looks like it’s a cache issue and refresh helps

Adding a listing – Categories empty

“can’t put an add on. keeps asking me to choose a category”

“can’t see any catagories to list an item”

*** Mar 20 8:27pm Still cannot reproduce. If it happens to you please (!) send us a screenshot and details of your browser. Try to refresh the page.

****** Mar 20: 9:10 pm:  Not confirmed yet, but looks like we sorted it out. If it happens to you please let us know.


There is a problem with archiving messages


Chat will be updated to the new version and be back to normal early next week


This section was removed as we didn’t see requests to keep it when we did research a year ago. However if you vote to have it back we will add it.


Friends section has been renamed Recommendations (My Account -> Recommendations). We have also changed the way it works a bit. Friends that you had added in swapz 3 are still there but now, to add someone (recommend) you need to swap with them. This way we’ll all be able to get more out of it, which is something we are going to implement later this month.  For example – if we are sure that User A and User B are trusted users and they both recommend user C we can say that user C is also trusted too.


What’s new search

This will be back on the homepage in a couple of days.

*** Mar 20 4:00 pm – What’s new is on the home page. It’s a draft version but it works, it will be updated tomorrow again.

Mobile access

The new site has a few mobile specific issues. The biggest one is uploading a photo to a listing. We will fix this ASAP. Later on this month we are going to release a mobile friendly version.

Facebook connect

Broken. We have been moving all of our servers and due to our new IP addresses FB connect has stopped working. This should be fixed by Wednesday.

*** Mar 20 12:50 pm – Facebook connect fixed.

Remember Me

We have had a few complains that the Remember Me function doesn’t work. This was probably caused by our DNS update (when you saw an IP address instead of swapz.co.uk in the address bar). This should be fine now.

*** Mar 20 sometime in the morning – Checked again – works fine. No issues. If you still have a problem please let us know (!)





Posted in News

15 Responses to “Swapz 4 – Day 1 Issues”

  1. john rubery says:

    cant put add on as no catagories to list a item thanx

  2. phil watkins says:

    The bump button still dosnt work for all of us just tried sp fix it swapz thanks

  3. Graeme79 says:

    Cant upload pics running windows 8 on my phone also wont upload using my other phone which it did before

  4. phil watkins says:

    also just tried to add a listing on my laptop firstly it wont let you put item into catagories also when you get to uploads photos the next button dosnt work so cant list any items just to let you know im using chrome

  5. AlwaysDealing says:

    Please reinstate the guest page, i used ot daily on swapz3, and made some good swapz because of it.

  6. n caulton says:


    Username: veeshot

    swap if i say i will swap

  7. Primey86 says:

    Cannot add new advert, keeps asking me to select a category, using Chrome browser.

  8. phil watkins says:

    blinking hopeless just tryed again to list an item using chrome it will just not same goes for bump fix the problems or go back to the old format untill you have resolved the issues.If not resolved shortly will cancel my membership

  9. AlwaysDealing says:

    Please reinstate page views for the item/s lister, same as swapz3 had

  10. AlwaysDealing says:

    Having the time listed that other users had last visited the site, helped remove a lot of time wasters, and thus wasted time for us.
    id like to see the time feature reinstated please, knowing the user was last online today doesnt really help me much – untill tomorrow!

  11. k1llerbrit says:

    1/. What’s happened to the part where you can see how many people have looked at your item ? I use this regularly to check my listings and keep a record of for stat purposes.

    Please put this back….

    2/. As for the “friends” section, it’s wrong that you insist that you have got to have had a swap with someone in order to have them as a friend. You get to know people on here, and keeping in touch with them could/can be important for future swaps etc.

    Please re-think this carefully.

    3/. What are the benefits of being a “Premium” member ?
    Nothing i can see on here is showing me any “advantage” to being a subscriber . Everyone can do everything, so asking myself why i paid £15.00

  12. AlwaysDealing says:

    Finally worked out, if you click the TINY pencil on the homepage, at the top right hand corner of the top right ad, you can customize the homepage to view only iitems/areas that are of interest to you.

    Thank god all thos chav-mobiles are no longer in MY homepage! :-)

  13. keith says:

    I’m using windows 7 with Chrome browser and I still can’t upload a photo, so you suggesting the issue is fixed is simply not correct. There is still an issue. Also I’d like to comment on the time element of the site. I feel it’s a very useful tool to have an idea that the item you are interested, is not an item placed on the site 2 years ago and forgotten about by it’s owner. If I know the owner has checked his page in the last month, there’s a good chance the listing is still active, and I’m not wasting my time showing interest or making a proposal.
    Time is more valuable than anything, lets not waste the little we have

  14. mark_tanya says:

    Please reinstate page views for the item/s lister, same as swapz3 had

  15. Manicmechanic says:

    Please bring back item views and when members were last on line!
    There so helpful and saves a lot of tomewasting

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