The Swapping Process – March 18th, 2013

As soon as one user has clicked the ACCEPT PROPOSAL button, the swapping process starts.


You are taken to a new screen where you enter your name and address for the other user to send their item to.



When your details have been filled in and you click on the blue ACCEPT button 2 messages are sent to the other member. One tells them that you have accepted their proposal – the other tells them that you have set up your delivery address which they can view at any time, along with other swap details at My Account > Swaps in progress. The other user is also prompted to set their delivery address.

Once both members have set their delivery addresses they are prompted in My Account > Swaps in progress to send their item to the address you have provided.




You can still withdraw from a swap at this point – it only once one user has marked their item as sent that it is not possible to do so.

When you do mark your item as sent, you select the date you sent it, choose how it was sent from the drop-down menu and there is an area to add comment or tracking numbers.



It is most important that you only send items when the swap has been completed through the system. This ensures visibility on the rare occasions problems occur and all information regarding the deal is needed.

Once both members have confirmed their items have been sent, the next stage is for them both to confirm they have received their expected items. This is also confirmed in My Account > Swaps in progress. Just find the swap in your list and click on the grey coloured VIEW button. At the top of the swap details you will be prompted to confirm receipt of your item.



When both members have confirmed receipt the swap is completed and it is now time for the final stage – Rating the swap.

Rating the swap is hugely important to both swappers and the whole community. This lets other users know how prompt, reliable and easy to deal with you are. Your rating profile is often a decider in if another user wants to deal with you!

To leave your rating go to My Account > Swap history and on the left hand side there is a Feedback required link and a number next to it showing how many feedbacks you need to leave.



Clicking on the Feedback required link takes you to the list of swaps needing feedback. To the right of each swap in the list is a grey VIEW button to click on. This takes you to a page showing all the swap’s details and at the top is the blue prompt to rate the deal.



Rating is marked in 3 areas, each out of 5 marks: Description accuracy of the item, quality of communication between the 2 members and the speed in which the item was sent. You can also leave comment about your swapz experience. Please only leave comments that will be helpful to the community and of the type you would like to receive yourself!



You can view the rating you have left and the rating left for you by going to My Account > Swap history  and using the grey VIEW button to see the whole’s swap’s details and comments.

Posted in How to ...

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