Chat is back (and upgraded too) – April 3rd, 2013

Good news everyone, chat is back and now it’s got even better.

Posted in News

9 Responses to “Chat is back (and upgraded too)”

  1. Terry says:

    Here’s a question why can I not look for people’s wantedz items individually. For example (someone who wants a push bike) I have to trawl through everyone’s wantedz? Thanks

  2. sickasbeans says:

    at last and everything works as it should great job team bloody great job :)

  3. cunto says:

    apart from sickasbeans lol fooka never works

  4. jeff50 says:

    yeah i 2nd that. great job great site as always

  5. lookmanohands says:

    brilliant and it now needs a big banner putting on the main page so ppl know its there and it can be used to its full potential.

  6. jeff50 says:

    i also 2nd that. more in the room can only be good for the site..a nudge on front page would be good. no point having so many good swappers only for them to use half the site, so to speak.

  7. kieran says:

    i am looking to swap my laptop for an iphone 3 or 4

  8. Marian says:

    Anyone interested in xbox 360 slim 250 gb 1 pad and fifa 12.. i would swap it for ps3 but try me

  9. Deanor123 says:

    Do people trust when you have to send stuff threw the post never done it before , don’t want to get robbed ???

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